+61 2 9339 8400 info@stancom.com.au


Specialist International Agri Merchant, Manufacturers, Packers and Exporters of Quality Sustainably Grown Pastoral, Non GMO Raw Materials


Specialist International Agri Merchant, Manufacturers, Packers and Exporters of Quality Sustainably Grown Pastoral, Non GMO Raw Materials

Specialist International Agri Merchants and Manufacturers


the needs of suppliers and buyers

Products >

Supply Chain >


to quality and reliable supply

Execution >

Logistics >


the business of our network

Our Growth Story >


Oilseeds, Oils & Fats

Vast Pastoral bases of Australia, New Zealand and the America’s offer us a broad choice of soft commodities to procure, trade and export here and abroad.

Since inception our group has formed alliances with the oilseed crushing sector including investment and management services with the goal to expand and diversify the production of NON GMO canola oil, meal and other specialty products which include organic varieties.


Grains & Legumes

Australia produces far more grains and legumes than it can consume and we are global exporters year round of these raw materials. Grains are legumes are grown typically from the autumn period midyear and harvested in the summer.


Feed Ingredients & Forage

Australia, North and South America and as well New Zealand are rich agricultural countries.

Through our offices and strong presence we source from these regions for export and trade to our clients in Asia, Middle East, Europe and Africa.


Renewable Energy

There is increasing demand to supply Australia’s transport industries with alternative bio-fuel options.

Diesel accounts for 50 per cent of Australia’s transport requirements, producing feedstock derived bio-diesel is now a critical focus for the bio energy industry.

Supply Chain


For our buyers we offer a fine mix of product, price and delivery because we know their business needs well. This understanding enables us to anticipate their needs and minimise risk.


Australia, New Zealand, and America’s vast pastoral base offers us a broad choice of soft commodities to procure, process, trade and export, both locally and abroad.

Trading Network

We maintain our market savvy through a dynamic trading network established across core markets. This is not an administrative operation. It’s a ‘hands on’ business.

The Standard Commodities Story

Growth & Vision

Successfully operating for more than 30 years, our growth can be viewed in three distinct stages:

1989-2000: Commodities Trader

Standard Commodities started as a ’boutique’ trading firm bridging the gap between suppliers and buyers. Business was built on a foundation of strong supply relationships which ensured a reliable supply of high quality commodities mainly Grains, Oilseeds, Fats & Oils, Protein meals and Agri By-Products, at realistic pricing.

This niche positioning enabled us to expand our services around the globe to a network of buyers.

2001-2011: Commodity Services Partner

As the world welcomed a new millennium in 2000, we adjusted our business model to fit the connected on-line age.

Standard Commodities adapted its capability to operate as part of a transparent, end-to-end supply chain partnership with both our suppliers and buyers. In this new partnership, growth of one stakeholder has been dependent upon the growth of all.

2012 to now: Standard Commodities Value Adding Partner.

Standard Commodities, apart from its base in Australia has always been active in the USA and New Zealand, so it made sense to start offices in these countries, with SC New Zealand located in Christchurch and SC USA from San Francisco.

Predominantly trading and exporting agri commodities sourced from these major supply basins to the demand regions of the world, like Asia, the Middle East, Europe and Africa. The focus for the Group in the past decade has been to invest in sustainable manufacturing practices, adding value to the raw materials we procure and thus the local rural communities where our operations are based. This area of our business will continue to expand.



We offer a mix of directly sourced commodities warehoused and processed locally, as well as commodities sourced globally from a select number of reputable and reliable suppliers of long standing.
Custom Specifications
For min/max specification limits or quality variation to match buyers’ needs we can ship as requested including additives / treatments.
When requested to meet importing country regulations, a licensed operator conducts fumigation to meet international standards.
For packing requirements such as drums for tallow and liquid cargo, small to large (jumbo) bags, ISO or Flexibags, we can provide total flexibility for customers around the globe.

Quality Assurance

Product Quality

Product quality is surveyed upon receipt and again at load to meet international and domestic standards in Australia, New Zealand, and America.

Clients may have their own survey/analysis specific instructions that they wish us to carry out.

Health Department rules in each country of origin (ie Dept of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry – DAFF, or in New Zealand, the Ministry for Primary Industries – MPI) are strictly observed to ensure all health requirements are satisfied.


We maintain commercial relationships with the world’s most reliable shipping companies. With our global volume of business we are able to acquire competitive rates and ensure efficient delivery times.
Local Transport
To streamline transport for all items we organise delivery of packed goods direct from industry to shipping terminal. We deliver products anytime, from anywhere to meet cut-off times at shipping terminals.


Import/Export Documentation

We keep our buyers informed about the status of their goods during transit. This communication starts the moment goods are packed.
We offer an experienced documentation team with an average industry experience of more than 20 years.

Following shipment, our team turns around documents as quickly as possible. By drawing upon their strong, long-term relationships within Local Government Departments documentation is provided on average within seven days.

Documents Overview
  • Commercial Invoice
  • Packing List
  • Certificate of Origin
  • Bill of Lading
  • Health Certificate
  • Analysis Certificate
  • Wood Packing declarations
  • Fumigation Certificate (optional according to country of destination)
  • All specialised document requirements can be administered on a shipment by shipment basis


While most of our business is conducted on sight terms, we do have extensive experience with simple and more complicated models of document execution and bank credit. We have the capacity to offer credit (off balance sheet financing) for selected and approved buyers.
Future Supply Contracts
We can provide future supply contracts. For example, with far dated deliveries for a feed/food maker or industrial operation. This enables a guaranteed raw material supply, allowing the buyer to contract with confidence when selling forward and locking in their margin.


Premier Fibre & Feed Pty. Ltd.

Lots 1-4 James Court, Finley
New South Wales 2713
Ph: 03 5883 2638

Pyrenees Hay Australia

94 Avoca – Bealiba Road,
Avoca, Victoria,
Australia, 3467
Ph: +61(03)54653633

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Phone +61 2 9339 8400
Fax +61 2 9339 8499
Email info@stancom.com.au
Office Address Suite 101, 274-290 Victoria Street
Darlinghurst NSW 2010
Postal Address PO Box 616
Kings Cross NSW 1340
Skype stancomsydney

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